Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
An end and a beginning

"God's Wife of Amun" was an important female priestly title in Thebes. In the 1st millennium BC it was usually held by a sister or daughter of the reigning king, each God's Wife adopting her successor. They became so powerful that they were able to have themselves represented in roles normally played by the king.
In scenes of goddesses suckling humans, the human is normally the king, with the scene representing the transfer of life and power. Yet in this scene in the Chapel of Osiris-Ruler-of-Eternity at Karnak, not only is the God's Wife of Amun, Shepenwepet I, being suckled, she is also wearing 2 Double Crowns, something shown nowhere else in any period.
In her funerary chapel at the temple of Medinet Habu, Amunirdis makes offerings to Amun and Hathor. The presence of funerary chapels to mortals within the sacred grounds of a temple is rare until the Third Intermediate Period, a time when God's Wives of Amun flourished.
Intangible concepts could also be represented as goddesses. In a scene commemorating an important military campaign by Sheshonq I of Dynasty 22, the goddess "Victorious Thebes", carrying a mace, an axe and a bow, drags conquered cities (shown as bound prisoners with the city names enclosed in cartouches representing fortified walls) to be slaughtered.

Two busts of Sakhmet in the Mut Precinct. Sakhmet angered could release disease and disaster on Egypt. Contented she could control these forces, which is why she is a goddess of health and healing as well as of death and destruction.

These 3 reliefs of Mut span a period of several hundred years. On the left is a relief from Amunirdis's funerary chapel at Medinet Habu; in the center a relief from the chapel of Osiris-Ruler-of-Eternity at Karnak; and on the right a relief in Chapel D at the Mut Precinct. In all three scenes Mut appears in her usual guise of a human wearing the Double Crown.

Richard Fazzini
Director, Mut Expedition
Friday, March 09, 2007
The end of the season

The east wing of the Mut Temple's 1st Pylon at the end of the 2006 season (top) and at the end of 2007, with much of the Roman Period construction removed. The bottom photo is Bill Peck's plan of the structures at the end of this season. Next year we hope to complete excavation in this area, revealing the pylon as it was in the Ptolemaic Period when the temple was still functioning.

The north side of Temple A's Forecourt at the beginning and end of the season. In addition to clearing the north wall and the enclosure wall behind it, we also cleared the Forecourt itself down to a more-or-less uniform level.

Looking east along the north side of the Forecourt to the temple's 2nd Pylon (top). Between the mud brick enclosure wall (left) and the sandstone foundations of the colonnade (right) are the sandstone and limestone side walls of the Forecourt. Bill Peck's plan of the area includes the small brick and stone building and round stone feature mentioned in an earlier posting.

A similar view along the south side of the Forecourt at the end of 2006 (top) and 2007. The sequence of walls is much clearer.
This photo was taken from the north enclosure wall and shows all of the Temple A Forecourt and area north of Mut's 1st Pylon at the end of the season.
We finally moved the fallen column that lay across the middle of the East Porch (top). It was lying on a thin layer of broken paving beneath which we found the intriguing semi-circle visible in the lower picture. Is this the remains of an earlier, single-row colonnade?
Looking west through the Taharqa Gate at the beginning and end of the season. All we did here this year was to clear the area in preparation for excavation next season.
The SCA is closing all its on-site magazines at Karnak and transferring registered items to a new storage and study facility. At their request, we re-organized our existing mastabas and built 11 new mastabas to accommodate the unregistered worked blocks and pieces of Sakhmet statues that were not transferred but needed safe housing within the precinct.

In the Mut Temple's West Porch 4 new mastabas hold the blocks from the small chapel built into the south end of the Porch. We hope to be able to reconstruct the chapel some day.

Here is Bill (our master draughtsman) with our Egyptian colleagues and friends on the last full day of work. Without them the expedition would not be possible: our foreman, Reis Farouk Sharid Mohammed (left); the expert Qufti who worked with us this year: Ayman, Salah, Mahmoud, Abdel Aziz, Mamdouh and Abdullah; and Abdin Ahmed Mahfouz (right) our inspector for the latter part of the season. We thank them all and look forward to seeing them again in 2008.
Richard Fazzini
Friday, March 02, 2007
Finishing up - conservation projects

The east wall of the Mut Temple's East Porch was our first major project this year; you can see its condition at the start of the season. The foundations were in terrible shape and the single block of the intercolumnar wall had split vertically and slipped. You can see the split in the lower photo.

Our second project was to repair the small chapel and the granite ram just inside the Precinct entrance. On the left is what they looked like in December; on the right, the chapel restored.

With the ram in place we could finally re-attach its left foreleg and Mohammed could begin to fill in the missing areas.
The ram at the end of this week - a great improvement.
Looking east (left) and west yesterday along the row of rams, sphinxes and small chapels that line the enclosure wall east of the Precinct entrance. We don't know where the granite ram stood in antiquity but since it was found in this area, restoring it here made sense. It fits in well with its bigger cousins.

Chapel D will continue to be a focus of next season's conservation efforts. The walls of the inner rooms of the chapel are very badly decayed. This year we were able to shore them up temporarily, but they have to be dismantled and rebuilt.

Our major project next year will be to excavate the Taharqa Gate and to restore it as much as possible. We got a start late this season with the removal of an old baulk (left), but as you can see in the lower photo we've got a lot of work ahead of us.Lisa and her conservation team with the revived ram. Thursday was Lisa's last day at the site and we will miss her. Despite sandstorms, occasional shortages of materials, and the challenges of on-site conservation she was able to maintain her sense of humor and her thorough professionalism. Thanks Lisa!
Mary McKercher