One of the workmen gingerly carries a basket of cut camel thorn past the fallen statue of Amunhotep III (usurped by Ramesses II) lying in front of Temple A in the northeast corner of the precinct (for maps of the site showing the major monuments go to the Mut Expedition pages at the Brooklyn Museum website).
Our Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) Inspector this year is Ms. Mouna Fathi Sayed. She and I sit and discuss the site and the Expedition's plans for the season while the camel thorn is being cut.
One of our projects this year is to clear the north and south sides of Temple A's Forecourt. On the north side we began work where the Forecourt wall meets the temple's stone 2nd Pylon. On the left is half of a limestone statue of Tuthmosis IV (father of Amenhotep III of Dynasty XVIII) that we will have to move eventually. A more complete statue of the same king leans against the pylon. They were not original to the temple but were brought here at some point to be broken up.
We found that two sandstone blocks of the north wall's upper course had slipped forward out of position as you can see in this photo looking west along the wall. The blocks supporting them are very badly deteriorated, so we put in wood supports until the lower part of the wall could be repaired.
The restoration work was well underway and we had exposed more of the top course of the wall to the west by December 28, the last day of work before the 5-day break to celebrate the Eid el-Adha, one of the most important Muslim religious feasts.

Over the course of the morning the winds increased and the temperature dropped. And when the wind picks up, what it picks up is dust that blows in sheets across the site, making work and photography difficult. Looking through the Mut Temple's main gate you can hardly see the rear of the temple, and the sides of the work tents put up by the Johns Hopkins University team are billowing in the wind. It has been cold ever since, but at least the wind has dropped.
We got in a full week of work before the break for the Eid el-Adha. The rest of the Mut team arrives after Coptic Christmas on January 7, celebrated as a national holiday. Watch for the next posting in mid-January.
Richard Fazzini
Director, Mut Expedition